Born 1967, Milan, Italy.
Lives and works in Budoni, (SS) Sardinia, Italy.

Maurizio Sergiusti, known as Scoobafish in art, is a self-taught Italian artist whose conceptual works boldly tackle themes of ecology, waste, and recycling. Through the use of discarded materials, Scoobafish offers a powerful critique of the excessive consumption that characterizes modern society.

The objects he uses to create his works are often found in the environment, abandoned in illegal landfills, washed ashore, or simply destined for the dump. These humble materials, in Scoobafish's hands, are transformed into figurative sculptures to hang, statues, and installations of great visual impact and unmistakable style.

Through his works, sometimes reworkings of historicized pieces and sometimes products of his imagination, Scoobafish invites us to see the beauty and potential in what the world has abandoned, transforming the mundane into the extraordinary.

Gallery Representation
Scoobafish Art Gallery, San Pantaleo (SS), Italy
Smart Coast Gallery, Naples (NA), Italy
Fondazione Mazzoleni, Alzano Lombardo (BG), Italy

- Private Collections:
Works held in private collections in USA, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, France, Italy, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Armenia

- Permanent Public Collections:
Gagik Harutyunyan, Museum, Armenia, Permanent Collection
Public Library of Cannes, France, Permanent Collection

Solo Exhibitions 
2019 “Solo Exhibition” Palais des Festival di Cannes, France
2019 “Pesci fuor d’Acqua” Solo Exhibition, Rivabella Gallery, Lugano, Switzerland
2018 “Maker Faire” Solo Exhibition, Vienna, Austria
2018 “Solo Exhibition” Artport 2018, Olbia, Italy
2017 “Solo Exhibition” San Teodoro, Italy
2017 “Serata sotto le Stelle” Puntaldia, Italy
2017 “Arte di Scarto” in Stazzu Museum, Budoni, Italy
2016 “Solo Exhibition” Porto San Paolo, Italy
2013 “Solo Exhibition” Hidden Gallery, Milan, Italy

Group Exhibitions 
2023 “Temporanea Mente” group exhibition, Fondazione Mazzoleni, Alzano Lombardo (BG), Italy
2023  Finalist in the international competition “RoPlastic Prize 2023”, Palazzo Bandello, Milano 
2017 “ArtExpò” Congress Palace, Lugano, Switzerland
2017 “Paolo Isoni” Atelier, Porto Rotondo, Italy
2016 “Shirarindi” group exhibition, Cagliari, Italy
2015 “Arteo” San Teodoro, Italy
2014 “Arteo” Porto San Paolo, Italy

- Public Murals
2019 “The Original Sin” San Pantaleo, Italy
2018 “Giant Chameleon” Olbia, Italy

- Private Murals
2024 “The New Life” Cugnana, Italy
2022 “JELLyFISH DANCING” Porto Cervo, Italy
2022 “Underwater” Budoni, Italy
2021 “A Fleeting Dream…” Porto Cervo, Italy
2008 “Su Carasau” Milan, Italy

2019 Work featured in Adobe® Street Art Gallery
2021 They speak about me in Olbiapuntoit Italian Magazine 
2019 Live Performance Video on Youtube
2018 The Found Object Font Adobe® article
2018 Work featured in Adobe® Graphic Design Gallery 
2016 Adobe® Creative WTFIT Challenge 
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